These are some of the people I hang with whenever I go out of town to one of these zany gatherings.  They make the whole con worthwhile.  Some of these guys I have known for years.  Not everyone is pictured here, and a lot of them are on other parts of my site.  But this is what I came up with.

my pal hugme and his asshugme and a few of the bendavaho tribe members with unidenitfied pal

chad and aaron in the tye dyeron, contour covergirl - stacey, and bonnie - all of contourmyself, wade, robyn,and dave

myself, robyn, The Susan, and Starr

wes as shoney's bigboy, me as a man dressed like a woman, and dave as Jean Luc Dickhardthe reverend and his short lived stint as a blonde

the kessler brothers and Stevie in the middle (yakdog)Dave, Phabulous Phil, one of phil's backupsingers and me
Myself, Phabulous Phil, and Robyn

Me, Beth, Bonnie and Steve (different Steve)

all of us at Fantasm

me and chris (gigglecam) having a spat

Roger, Bonnie, Me and Wes

here are people that don't necessarily go to cons with me, but I like them anyway just the same.  they are people that hang out with me in Huntsville.

christine, me, wade and janet

brandon, money and one of their pals and me... guess which one of us is sober

me and christine (victoria cam)

Bob and Tuna... bartenders at the Jazz Factory

Beau and myself - looking really messed up

Jennifer with the TickBecky with the Tick

Brian and April

All images and text copyright 2000 by  Dawn Marie
  Use of images and/or text from this site prohibited without express permission of Dawn Marie